Adaptation and Community Schools Part 2 of 3: Physical

The adaptation and mitigation need of communities is significant and must be addressed. How we interpret the current and future state of schools is fundamental to effective adaptation and mitigation strategies for community development. Climate adaptation and mitigation has yet to become an area of focus for school districts.

In the last post I indicated that physical and social climate adaption is an opportunity to reinterpret the role of schools in community development. In this post, I will build upon physical adaptation.

A Necessary Shift

Reinterpreting the role of schools in community development begins with a full appreciation of the effort necessary for community adaptation and mitigation. The scope of work required is reinforced by the Ontario Professional PIanners Institute (OPPI) in its Statement on Climate Change Amid the COP 26 UN Climate Change Conference. “Preparing for the unavoidable impacts of climate change requires a drastic shift in the way we build our communities and requires immediate and committed action at every level of government, society, and across all sectors.”

Schools are the heart of many neighbourhoods and a critical component of social infrastructure. Climate adaptation is the means to a deeper connection between communities and school districts through the lens of equity, local participation, and alignment with local services and enterprise.

Three examples (school facility upgrades, school program locations, and school space availability) are provided below to exemplify the range of school district operations that can intersect with effective physical climate adaptation.

1. School Facility Upgrades

The last time data was released in 2017, Ontario had a backlog of school facility upgrade needs of more than $15B. It is not clear of the extent to which physical adaptation is accounted for in this infrastructure gap. The upgrading needs of some schools are so are extensive that complete rebuilds would likely be required.  

Communities will need to assist decision making about the number and location of schools in support of local adaptation objectives. At a minimum, school facilities will require risk assessments to plan and implement upgraded heating, cooling, and defense from extreme weather such as flood protection and climate shelters.

A more robust commitment will support a new interpretation of schools as community infrastructure, with upgrades that promote multi-dimensional operations to improve the connection between local people and services with schools. Included in this interpretation of community schools is the need for widescale digital transformation and improved accessibility for students and staff with disabilities.

Indigenous culture does not easily align with traditionally accepted school structures. Addressing the physical adaptation of community schools is an opportunity to engage Indigenous values through upgrades that promote holistic education and greater participation from the wider community.

2. School Program Locations

One of the most identifiable aspects of school district operations to be addressed through physical adaptation is student transportation. Operational alternatives will be required, including electric vehicles, overall service reductions, and support for other means such as cycling, walking, and public transportation.

Student transportation operates in accordance with school attendance boundaries. School attendance boundaries are organized by school programs. Students do not necessarily attend the school in their immediate vicinity. Most school districts operate overlapping program attendance boundaries that seek to draw a critical mass of students to maintain program viability. French immersion, specialized arts and science, and programs for students with special needs are examples of this. 

Community efforts will be necessary to optimize community school program locations in keeping with changing operational viability benchmarks impacted by physical adaptation. Ensuring flexibility and equity of student access to school programs will be of key importance.

3. Space availability

The term “community use of schools” is an operational challenge for many Ontario school districts. Daytime surplus space is calculated by comparing pupil classroom loadings with actual enrolments to determine a percentage rate of utilization. Purpose built daycares are not included in school capacity calculations. In contrast to this operational definition, schools readily find alternative uses for “surplus space” through a variety of means to accommodate students, staff, and students and staff.

The availability of after-hours community use of schools is determined by individual school district policy, often involving user fees to support custodial cleaning and general maintenance.

The amount of space available from community schools to align with community-wide adaptation efforts will be open to interpretation, depending upon:

  • fluctuating enrolments due to program location and transportation changes,

  • changing instructional models such as remote and on-line instruction,

  • competing demand from community services and organizations, and

  • changes in the provincial methodologies used to calculate surplus school space for operational purposes.

In keeping with the Ontario Ministry of Education Community Planning and Partnerships Guideline, municipalities and community organizations have an explicit right to share planning information with school districts.

These meetings are an opportunity to engage a deeper conversation with school districts about physical adaptation for a new interpretation of community schools.

In the next post I’ll present equally important perspectives about Social adaptation for community schools.

Phil Dawes, August, 2023

This article has been updated from its original content via blog post with the Ontario Provincial Planners Institute, June, 2023.


Adaptation and Community Schools Part 3 of 3: Social


Adaptation and Community Schools, Part 1 of 3: Our New Reality